The organizing committee of ElectroTrans trade fair invites all the participants to take part in Green Light contest.
New (2023-2025 years of issue) innovative products, components and systems which assentially impact safety, efficiency, comfort of electric transport.
The Awarding Commission is consist of representatives of the organizations playing leading role in urban transport development in Russia. Mr. Vasiliy Ostryakov, MAP GET President is the Chairman of Awarding Commissions.
The information about products nominated is to be published at the exhibition web-site, in the official catalog and is mailed over to mass media.
Participation in Green Light contest is free for the exhibitors of ElectroTrans, Transport Lighting, CityBus and Electronica-Transport exhibitions.
Green Light contest winners in 2023:
- Vibration-damping driver's seat KL-7500M.0-03 (Y), submitted by SIDMASH
- Parametric range of temperature control systems for batteries with air heat exchange STS-5000/12000, submitted by ETNA
- Parametric range of air conditioning and ventilation systems for the interior of the trolleybus SKV-ST-29000 (21000), submitted by ETNA
- Parametric range of equipment for air conditioning and ventilation of tramcar interiors with two evaporators SKV-ST-28000 (36000), submitted by ETNA
- The climate system of the driver's cabin SKK-4000-7000, submitted by ETNA
- Express service for the creation of electronic waybills "Taxcom-Transport", submitted by Taxcom
- Innovative ticket system for transport DIGITAL CLOUD PLATFORM ELBIUS, submitted by Elbius
- Autoinformator Itline 1DIN Pro, submitted by Itline
- Information board for the stop of TO 2 and the notification module KO1, submitted by Itline
- Interactive media panel ITLINE Touch 43", submitted by Itline
- Rectangular connector SPM-350-1 in a heavy-duty housing, submitted by NPO Kaskad
- Application software package: "Express diagnostics of heat-insulated vehicle bodies", submitted by VNIIZHT
- Electric charging station CS3.2 150 kW, submitted by NPP Energy
- Early warning system for vehicle safety "Shield", submitted by Mr. I. Mikhailev
- A set of climatic equipment for passenger electric transport (electric bus/trolleybus), submitted by Artex Transkholod
Green Light contest winners in 2022:
- Antison Driver Status Monitoring System, submitted by XOR
- Climate equipment "ARKON" for modern passenger electric transport, submitted by ARTEX Transkholod
- Electric shunting traction machine "Antey A1", submitted by PKB Antey
- Energy-efficient traction asynchronous motor with combined windings (AD CO) of Syria DAT-100 L6, submitted by Sovelmash
- Built-in AD incremental encoders for vehicle drives, submitted by Sovelmash
- A specialized controller for managing AD CO, submitted by Sovelmash
- Asynchronous motor DA-95S, 5KW with the use of combined windings "Slavyanka", submitted by Sovelmash
- Denzel Liberty is a full–size electro-enduro with an asynchronous electric motor DA-95S with combined windings "Slavyanka", submitted by Sovelmash
- Wireless charging for electric scooter RESONANCE, submitted by Wave Technologies
- Software "Automated public transport accounting system" (Automated control system FROM), submitted by Raschetniye Resheniya
- Highly efficient Eventual lighting systems with remote driver, submitted by Wave Technologies
Green Light contest winners in 2021:
- Monitoring system, remote control of serviceability and management of radio station redundancy: - remote control device UDC-2, - control unit of the drill reserve (control), - control unit of the drill reserve (executive), submitted by Electrontechnica
- MEGALITH type air disinfection device, submitted by KCK Group
- Low-floor wheel-turning machine MKS 83.00-2 with CNC, submitted by NLT
- Braking equipment of subway cars models 81-775/776/777 (brake equipment unit 073, driver's crane 023, breaking valve 370E), submitted by Transmash
- Gear coupling of subway cars of the 81-717, 81-760, 81-765 series, submitted by Skif-97
Green Light contest winners in 2019:
- Trolley for narrow-gauge tram car with a track gauge of 1000 mm, designed for installation under the car body width 2,3 - 2,4 m and 100 % low floor in the cabin of the tram, submitted by PK Transport Systems
- Atlant door closer for subway entrances, submitted by ChZM
- Multi-standard fast charging station for electric vehicles, submitted by NPP Energy
- Heater for operator's cab of a subway car model OKM-3000/3,3, submitted by ETNA
- Air conditioning system model SLE-ST-26000, submitted by ETNA
- Brake resistor unit model BTR-12D, submitted by ETNA
- The device of remote transfer of turnout for tram ways and traffic lights control, submitted by RETRA
- Software and hardware complex RetailBUD, submitted by MST-Company
- Leakage current monitoring post, submitted by Electrotochpribor
- Traction inverter model TI 160, submitted by IRZ TEK
- FullSiC MCDA module, submitted by Proton-Electrotex
- Control panel model PK-6U-02, submitted by Electrontechnica
- Synthetic gear oil Klubersynth GE 4 75 W 90, subetted by Kluber Lubrication
- The electrochemical capacitor module FEM-D-147-87С, submitted by JSC Energiya
- Solar Electrocutaneous "ECOWAVE", submitted by ANO NC IKS
Green Light contest winners in 2018:
- Series of power supply panels of communication equipment for the subways with remote monitoring of output parameters, submitted by Electrontechnica
- Charging station for electric buses ZSE-500T, submitted by NPP Energy
- Electronic personalization of contactless smart cards, submitted by NCS
- Florr door closer DDN "Atlant" M6, submitted by ChZM
- The electrochemical capacitor module FEM-D-147-87С, submitted by JSC Energiya
- Converter rectifier-inverter VIP-4000-2M-UHL2, submitted by Electrovypryamitel
- IGBT module M2TKI-100-17V, submitted by Electrovypryamitel
- Autonomous technological stand Mediavisor ЕР32В Outdoor, submitted by Mediavisor
Green Light contest winners in 2017:
- Filter capacitor for DC circuits PVAJP 970 - 1/1000, submitted by MicroEM
- Kit devices episcopacy for tram LSO-7, LSO-8, SCP-9, SCP-9-01, submitted by ETNA
- Braking resistors units, power resistors units for city electric transport and railway transport , submitted by ETNA
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning cabin and passenger compartment for tram, submitted by ETNA
- Switching equipment for information systems and communication in underground: cross Cabinet SHK, submitted by Electrontechnica
Green Light contest winners in 2016:
- Subway carrages of new generation 81-765/766/767, submitted by Transmashholding
- Hybrid IGBT modules for currents up to 300 a, voltage up to 1200 V Si IGBT and SiC Schottky diodes for high frequency applications, submitted by Electrovypryamitel
- DNA UCODE chip for secure UHF labels, submitted by NXP Semiconductors
- EV1 MIFARE Plus is a new generation of chips for transport cards, submitted by NXP Semiconductors
- Universal battery with an internal auxiliary temperature control, submitted by OOOTransport
- Portable electrical measuring system for determining the transition resistance of the chassis rails-land (PEK), submitted by OOO Transport
- Multifunction luggage rack, submitted by KOMZ
- Disconnectors and switches series P15(30) and П15(30), submitted by NPP Energy
- Tube heat-resistant self-extinguishing resistant to Flammability stamps TTS-SV and TPPA-SV, submitted by ELIZ
Green Light contest winners in 2015:
- New generation of litiy-titanium electric storage cells for transport, submitted by Drive Electro
- Polimer izolators for trolleybus and tram contact network, submitted by NPO Izolyator
Green Light contest winners in 2014:
- Automatic sliding door system with 1 and 2 doors, pneumatic or electric drive and rubber sealant, submitted by KMT
- The stationary buffer store of kinetic energy (KES) for systems of power supply of the electrified transport
- Set of the equipment for control and tunnel circuit, submitted by Electrontechnika
- The equipment of feeding protection and automatic equipment for protection of electric urban transport stock, submitted by YAVIAR
Green Light contest winners in 2013:
- AEG Protect 8 - uninterruptible power supply, submitted by Radius-Group
- Eye Archive of the CAR of GLONASS/3G — professional autonomous system of remote video surveillance and monitoring for transport, submitted by Decima
- Door system for city buses, trams, subway with the electric drive, submitted by Tamware
- Simulater for drivers of electric trains of the subway, submitted by LOGOS
- The TEMI device for transportation of disabled wheelchair invalids on escalators of subways, submitted by ChK Plus
- Simulator of emergencies for locomotive crews of the subway Metrovagonmash 81-760 81-761 models, submitted by Zarnitsa
- UKSV-02-GSM - control unit of a condition of a wave guide, submitted by Electrontechnika
- Railway on the basis from fibrobeton (1 layer of reinforcing) with use of the European rails and systems of the European railway profiles, submitted by ZPK
- Crosspiece welded by TU 48 5942-001-01115840-2012 RF standart, submitted by ZPK
- ORMA-3 - system of optimization and registration of routes of motor transport, submitted by NVP Bolid
Green Light contest winners in 2012:
- Admittance control system SKUD, submitted by Electrontechnika
- Toolkit for driving engine of trolleybus for long-distance independent course, submitted by Ars-Term
- Hybrid bus A-420, submitted by Belkommunmash
- Set of traction electric equipment for city cycle engines. Hybrid drive of the bus. Submitted by Ruselprom Electroprivod
- Set of equipment for pre-issue of contactless smart cards, submitted by NCS
- New line of heaters of salon of a trolleybus and tram, submitted by ETNA
- Climate control system for trolleybus and tram, submitted by ETNA
Green Light contest winners in 2011:
- Polymeric insulators with silicon cover for a contact network of a tram and a trolleybus, submitted by Izolyator,
- Battaries of HOPPECKE FNC-Rail (NiCd), submitted by «ASEN»,
- TV PROGRESS System, submitted by CEGELEC a.s.,
- Simulator for metro trains driving, submitted by JSC AGAT - Control Systems