April 28-30, 2025, Moscow, Russia

  • English
  • Русский

electrical mobiliti, products and services for electric transport and subway

For Visitors

Target audience of ElektroTrans congress and exhibition: experts from urban transport, municipal and federal authorities, suppliers, designers, professors and students, enthusiasts, everyone who is dealing with public transport, city ecology, electrical mobility. Visiting of the exhibition is free for the registratered visitors. 

Working hours: 26-28 June 2024 from 10:00 till 18:00 (till 14.00 on June 28). The entrance to the pavilion ends an hour before exhibition closing. 

How to get over to the expo.

Official support

  • Транспортная премия Золотая Колесница
  • Международная ассоциация метро
  • Министерство транспорта РФ
  • Минпромторг РФ
  • Департамент транспорта и развития дорожно-транспортной инфраструктуры города Москвы
  • Союз пассажиров
  • Московский метрополитен
  • петербургский метрополитен
  • МТПП